
US dollar banks exchange rate

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Bank We buy We sell Spread
Alior Bank 3,8662 PLN 4,2334 PLN 0,3672 PLN (8,67%)
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego 3,9032 PLN 4,2111 PLN 0,3079 PLN (7,31%)
Bank Pocztowy 3,8955 PLN 4,2075 PLN 0,3120 PLN (7,42%)
BNP Paribas 3,8671 PLN 4,2229 PLN 0,3558 PLN (8,43%)
BOŚ Bank 3,9195 PLN 4,1939 PLN 0,2744 PLN (6,54%)
BPS 3,9093 PLN 4,1558 PLN 0,2465 PLN (5,93%)
Deutsche Bank 3,9032 PLN 4,1864 PLN 0,2832 PLN (6,76%)
ING Bank Śląski 3,8899 PLN 4,1719 PLN 0,2820 PLN (6,76%)
mBank 3,9348 PLN 4,1782 PLN 0,2434 PLN (5,83%)
Millennium 3,8982 PLN 4,1894 PLN 0,2912 PLN (6,95%)
Nest Bank 3,8533 PLN 4,2259 PLN 0,3726 PLN (8,82%)
Pekao SA 3,9100 PLN 4,2218 PLN 0,3118 PLN (7,39%)
PKO BP 3,8850 PLN 4,2087 PLN 0,3237 PLN (7,69%)
Raiffeisen Bank International 3,8643 PLN 4,2505 PLN 0,3862 PLN (9,09%)
Santander Consumer Bank 3,9032 PLN 4,1864 PLN 0,2832 PLN (6,76%)

Date of last update of rates: 05-02-2025

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