
No. 1 online exchange office

Simple and safe 24/7 online currency exchange

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Exchange currency without registration

How does online currency exchange work
Step 1
You check the exchange rate and place a currency exchange order
Step 2
You send us funds for the exchange
Step 3
We send the currency to the bank account you provide
The longest-operating online currency exchange service in Poland
14 years
on the market
We are the longest-operating online currency exchange service in Poland, backed by our expertise in currency exchange and currency markets.
517 k
Our customers exchange tens of millions of euros, dollars, francs and many other currencies every month.
1,59 b pln
Thanks to our exchange service, users save up to 6% on each currency exchange, compared to bank exchange rates.
1,16 mln
positive feedback
Our exchange office is the most frequently rated financial service by Opineo.pl, with an average rating of 4,9/5.
14 years of experience
Each transaction is overseen by a team of seasoned experts.
Our team consists of over 130 people – we are happy to help. All payouts are supervised and manually confirmed by our experts. Thanks to this, you can be sure that your money is safe.
Head of Settlement Department

Matylda Suchorska

Head of Settlement Department

Chief Operating Officer

Maciej Przygórzewski

Chief Operating Officer,
Chief Currency Analyst

Chief Operating Officer

Business Intelligence Team Leader
Marcin Rogalski
Business Intelligence Team Leader
Head of Customer Service

Agnieszka Witkowska

Head of

Customer Service

Head of Dealer Department
Krzysztof Pawlak
Head of Dealer Department
The company is licensed by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to provide payment services
In 14 years of operation, we have exchanged currencies for over 517 k customers
Best service
Our customer service consistently gets awarded and positively reviewed on Opineo

Prizes and awards

Kantor Online 2023
Kantor Online 2023
Consumer Laurel 2024
Consumer Laurel 2024
Kantor Online 2022
Kantor Online 2022
Customer e-Laurel 2012-2022
Customer e-Laurel 2012-2022
Quick contact
+48 61 250 45 65
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Our consultants work
on working days
in hours 08:00 - 20:00