
Swiss Franc banks exchange rate

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Bank We buy We sell Spread
Alior Bank 4,3026 PLN 4,5276 PLN 0,2250 PLN (4,97%)
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego 4,3834 PLN 4,4720 PLN 0,0886 PLN (1,98%)
Bank Pocztowy 4,2483 PLN 4,5793 PLN 0,3310 PLN (7,23%)
BNP Paribas 4,3102 PLN 4,5312 PLN 0,2210 PLN (4,88%)
BOŚ Bank 4,3639 PLN 4,4639 PLN 0,1000 PLN (2,24%)
BPS 4,2489 PLN 4,5773 PLN 0,3284 PLN (7,17%)
Deutsche Bank 4,3702 PLN 4,4584 PLN 0,0882 PLN (1,98%)
DNB Bank Polska 4,3191 PLN 4,5406 PLN 0,2215 PLN (4,88%)
ING Bank Śląski 4,2651 PLN 4,5743 PLN 0,3092 PLN (6,76%)
mBank 4,3480 PLN 4,4804 PLN 0,1324 PLN (2,96%)
Millennium 4,3266 PLN 4,6555 PLN 0,3289 PLN (7,06%)
Nest Bank 4,2096 PLN 4,6166 PLN 0,4070 PLN (8,82%)
Pekao SA 4,3115 PLN 4,5282 PLN 0,2167 PLN (4,79%)
PKO BP 4,2940 PLN 4,5414 PLN 0,2474 PLN (5,45%)
Raiffeisen Bank International 4,3088 PLN 4,5216 PLN 0,2128 PLN (4,71%)
Santander Consumer Bank 4,3702 PLN 4,4584 PLN 0,0882 PLN (1,98%)

Date of last update of rates: 21-02-2025

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