
Singapore dollar exchange rate

Are you interested in the current exchange rates and the price of the Singapore dollar? Stay up to date at all times! Below we present the current quotes of the Singapore dollar in our online exchange.

We buy SGD InternetowyKantor.pl 3,0188
We sell SGD InternetowyKantor.pl 3,0188
Average SGD exchange rate InternetowyKantor.pl 3,0188
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Current exchange rate SGD/PLN: 0,000

Exchange rate Singapore dollar in the charts is presented for indicative purposes, based on approximate data and is not of a transactional nature, i.e. it is not part of the website's offer or a proposal to make a transaction.

Singapore dollar

According to the ISO 4217 standard, the Singapore dollar is represented by the international code SGD. It uses a symbol that is very similar to the one of the US dollar, i.e. "$" or "S$".

Singapore dollar – the great currency of a small state

SGD functions as an official currency in Singapore, a free city in Asia founded in the first half of the 19th century by the British. The currency of Singapore is issued by the local central bank – the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Although the SGD is the official currency only in Singapore, the Singapore dollar and the Brunei dollar are used interchangeably in both countries, and the exchange rate between them is maintained at 1:1.

1 Singapore Dollar is equivalent to 100 Singapore Cents. Currently in circulation there are coins in the following denominations: 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and 1 S$. Modern banknotes are: 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1000 and 10,000 S$. The appearance of the currency in Singapore has been changed many times – this applies to coins as well as banknotes. The obverse of today's coins features the coat of arms of Singapore, while the reverse features various graphics related to the "City of the Lion".

Singaporean banknotes had various themes – the SGD featured, among others, images of birds, orchids, and sea vessels. Today, regardless of the denomination, the obverse features the face of the country's first president, politician and journalist – Encik Yusof bin Ishak. The reverses refer to local arts, economy, science or sports. A large part of the banknotes currently in circulation are made of paper, but the SGDs in the new series of 1, 5 and 10 Singapore dollars are polymer.

SGD – currency with a short tenure

Singapore was taken over by the British in the 1820s and quickly became a prominent trading hub. In the years 1845–1939, the official currency here was the US dollar, later the Malaysian dollar, and then the Borrelian dollar. In the 1970s, the Lion City became independent, and in 1967, the SGD appeared, the currency used to this day.

The fact that the exchange rate of the Singapore dollar at a given moment is important for many countries is not surprising, because it is one of the most competitive economies in the world. The strength of its currency today results from several factors. First of all, the country is economically stable, well-developed, and maintains low interest rates and inflation. Importantly, it is a largely trade-based economy, which means that the SGD exchange rate is of great importance to its many business partners. All this translates into a consistent, favourable exchange rate that the SGD maintains.

Due to its location and modern architecture, Singapore has also become a place that attracts many tourists. The SGD PLN pair is therefore traded more often than you might think. Due to the fact that Poles go to Singapore not only for holidays, but also to work, inquiries about how much SGD is in PLN and how much PLN is in SGD are popular. The exchange rate of the Singapore dollar against PLN oscillates around PLN 3.09.

Interesting facts about the currency of Singapore

  • Despite the fact that the territory of Singapore does not exceed 722 km2, the Singapore dollar has the purchasing power almost three times higher than PLN.

  • Despite being an official currency of a small territory, Singapore dollars are very popular – in 2019 it was the 12th most traded currency in the world.

  • Singapore is one of the richest countries in the world and is among the top five largest financial centres in the world. No wonder SGD matters so much.

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