
Peruvian sol exchange rate

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Current exchange rate PEN/PLN: 0,000

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Peruvian Sol

The Peruvian Sol, with the ISO code 4217 known as PEN, is the official currency of Peru. Its symbol is S/. The name "sol" not only refers to the Latin solidus, meaning "solid", but also refers to the Spanish word for "sun".

Currency of Peru today

The sol, introduced in 1991, replaced the previous monetary unit, the inti. Searching for information on Peruvian currency brings to mind two options - it was originally called nuevo sol, or new sol, but since 2015 it has been simplified to just "sol." Coins with denominations ranging from 5 céntimos to 5 sol and banknotes ranging from 10 to 200 sol are carefully composed elements of the financial system, where the Central Reserve Bank of Peru has the exclusive right to issue money in the country. The obverses of the banknotes depict historical figures, while the reverses of Peru's currency feature places of importance to citizens. All denominations are means of payment and these represent the country's cultural and historical heritage. Peruvian soles, depending on the denomination, are printed in different places around the world and on different paper to provide better security. Coins, on the other hand, are minted at the mint in the Peruvian capital.

Peru is a developing country and one of the more advanced among Latin American countries. The government has been taking steps and focusing on maintaining the stability of the currency. In May 2023, the Peruvian sol was recognised as the most stable currency in the region. The country's treasure is its natural resources in the form of copper, silver, uranium or zinc ores, which occupy an important place in exports. Changes in the value of these raw materials affect how Peru's currency is priced. The exchange rate of the Peruvian sol is currently at levels around PLN 1, with deviations of a few pennies.

The history of the Peruvian currency

The history of Peru's currency has always been linked to the sun. Beliefs before the Christian era focused precisely on worshipping it as a deity. This motif continues to accompany Peruvians to this day. Between 1863 and 1897, there was a currency called "sun," meaning "sol" in the Spanish language. However, it was soon replaced by the "Libra Peruana de Oro." Interestingly, the introduction of paper banknotes did not take place until 1879. Peru's currency referring to the sun in its name returned again between 1931 and 1985, but under the name of a different deity, the "inti." The 1980s and 1990s were marked by hyperinflation, resulting in the introduction of a new monetary unit, the new Peruvian sol. The nuevo sol was launched in 1991 and has continued to be issued until today. The Banco Central de Reserva del Peru is responsible for issuing Peru's currency. The Peruvian sol was called the Nuevo sol until 2015, but a change was voted by a resolution of the Peruvian Congress to leave only the second part, the "sol."

Peruvian sol - things to know

  • Peru has for many years been among the leaders in the production of copper, silver, gold and zinc - the bedrock of the national economy.

  • In 1879, the first paper banknotes emerged in Peru, while the decimal system for coins was established in 1858.

  • The denomination of 10 Peruvian soles is printed in the UK, while the 20-sol note is printed in Rome.

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