
New Zealand dollar exchange rate

Are you interested in the current exchange rates and the price of the New Zealand dollar? Stay up to date at all times! Below we present the current quotes of the New Zealand dollar in our online exchange.

We buy NZD InternetowyKantor.pl 2,3915
We sell NZD InternetowyKantor.pl 2,3915
Average NZD exchange rate InternetowyKantor.pl 2,3915
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New Zealand dollar exchange rate - chart

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Current exchange rate NZD/PLN: 0,000

Exchange rate New Zealand dollar in the charts is presented for indicative purposes, based on approximate data and is not of a transactional nature, i.e. it is not part of the website's offer or a proposal to make a transaction.

New Zealand Dollar

According to the ISO 4217 standard, the New Zealand dollar has the NZD code, and in its home country it is also known as "the Kiwi", which refers to the bird which is a national symbol. The currency uses the dollar graphic symbol "$", but the symbol "NZ$" is sometimes used to avoid confusion. Waluta posiada dolarowe oznaczenie graficzne „$”, ale w celu uniknięcia pomyłek czasem używa się sygnatury „NZ$”.

New Zealand dollar – information useful not only to investors

NZD is the official currency used on two large islands of New Zealand – the North Island and the South Island. Additionally, the New Zealand currency is also officially used in several other territories: the Cook Islands and Niue, Tokelau, the Antarctic Ross Dependency, as well as in the British overseas colony – the Pitcairn Islands. The New Zealand dollar, allegedly not very popular, in 2016 qualified to the top ten of the world's most important currencies.

The New Zealand dollar is divided into 100 cents, and the sub-unit comes in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 cents. The reverses of the former two are decorated with Maori carvings, and the latter with Captain Cook's ship. The dollar coins feature the birds found in the country: the kiwi (1 New Zealand dollar) and the golden heron (2 New Zealand dollars). It may seem quite surprising to some, but the obverse of the coins bears the image of Queen Elizabeth II, symbolising the former political links with Great Britain. It is also found on the NZD banknotes, which are decorated with portraits of people distinguished in various fields, as well as graphics of local flora and fauna.

New Zealand dollar – a history as turbulent as that of the country

When it comes to a country like New Zealand, the currency will always be firmly tied to its history. First, as a result of the colonisation of the islands by the British, in 1840 the New Zealand pound became the commonly used means of payment here. The weakening of the United Kingdom Great Britain, the growing importance of the United States and the desire for autonomy by New Zealand finally led to the introduction of modern NZD. This currency was created only in 1967, so it has a relatively short period of time, but it has already managed to establish a strong position on the market. At the very beginning, the New Zealand dollar was pegged to the value of its American counterpart, but after several years it became liquefied.

The New Zealand currency, despite its small range, is quite recognizable, and the NZD rate is the object of considerable interest on the FOREX market, also among Polish investors. This is justified by the high predictability of the currency quotations, because the exchange rate of the New Zealand dollar depends to a large extent on the most important export goods of this country, i.e. food products and prices of raw materials (e.g. crude oil) and on gold.

Interesting facts about the NZD

  • The NZD has inscriptions in Maori, as the language of the indigenous people still has official status here.

  • The New Zealand five-dollar bill with the image of climber Edmund Hillary received the award for the best design in 2015.

  • The sixth series of New Zealand banknotes is one of the least counterfeited in the world, which is due to well-thought-out security features.

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