
South African rand banks exchange rate

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Bank We buy We sell Spread
Alior Bank 0,2003 PLN 0,2194 PLN 0,0191 PLN (8,71%)
BNP Paribas 0,1995 PLN 0,2205 PLN 0,0210 PLN (9,52%)
Deutsche Bank 0,2025 PLN 0,2171 PLN 0,0146 PLN (6,73%)
ING Bank Śląski 0,2029 PLN 0,2175 PLN 0,0146 PLN (6,71%)
PKO BP 0,2015 PLN 0,2183 PLN 0,0168 PLN (7,70%)
Santander Consumer Bank 0,2025 PLN 0,2171 PLN 0,0146 PLN (6,73%)

Date of last update of rates: 13-03-2025

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